How To Fight Sin? S.W.O.R.D

Paul calls sin a “law” (Romans 7:21-23). Think of gravity. We’re barely aware of it most of the time. And yet, it’s a force that is constantly exerting it’s influence on us keeping our feet from floating off the ground. It’s a law that is constantly at work. Sin acts like this. We are born with a sinful nature. Even believers still fight indwelling sin. This is the reality Paul is getting at. Whereas gravity acts to keep our feet firmly on the ground, sin acts against God. There is sin inside of us that is exerting power to lead us away from God’s purposes and designs. Peter calls this a “war.” We have sinful desires that wage war against our souls (1 Peter 2:11). 

So, we are in a war for our soul. There can never be a peace-time mentality for believers. Not only do we have Satan prowling around hoping to devour our faith and cut us off from God (1 Peter 5:8), but we have the law of sin inside of us coming against all that is holy and good. By the Spirit, we must kill the deeds of the body (Romans 8:13). Our hearts must remain vigilant (Proverbs 4:23). There is no letting our guards down. Our fists are always up. 

How do we fight off this indwelling sin? How do we win this war? S.W.O.R.D. I find this helpful since the armor of God includes the sword of the Spirit and the imagery of a sword rises up in my the attitude and mentality for the battle ahead.

 S | Start by asking God for help. 

Prayer is like a war-time walkie-talkie (John Piper). We call in help when the war rages on. We are powerless on our own against Satan and sin. This is not a flesh and blood fight. It’s a supernatural one. Prayer must be instinctive in these moments. As soon as that seed of temptation enters our minds and hearts, we must swiftly turn to God. 

 W | Wield the Word—find a promise you can tightly hold.

You are not without a weapon. You have God’s Word. When temptation strikes and throws a punch, how will you strike back? The reason so many fall into destructive patterns and sin is because they don’t know what God says on the matter. Deception lies at the core of why we are led into temptation. We don’t know the truth. Combating against temptation necessitates God’s Word. We have to know it.

Have you ever noticed how Jesus fights off Satan in the Gospels? After spending 40 days and nights in the wilderness, Satan counts this an opportune time to lure Jesus into sin. And time and time again, Jesus answers the words of Satan with the words of Scripture. 

This is why being in the Bible every day is so important. You are building an arsenal, gaining valuable ammunition and weaponry each day you take to spend time with God in his Word. Don’t enter this war without a weapon. When the temptation to lust or worry or storm with anger or indulge in food or lie or sloth around attacks, what from God’s Word will you pick up to counter?

 O | Overtake the temptation with faith

 It’s one thing to know God’s Word. It’s another to believe what he has said. All temptation is more or less a “follow-me” offer. The path of fear is thinking about the future without factoring in God. The path of lust is pursuing temporary pleasure at another’s expense. You get the point. Temptation puts in front of you a temporary pleasure or a momentary comfort or a warped reality meant to either disorient you or fool you or harm you. It’s the path of destruction. Jesus puts in front of you another path. It’s a path not easy to walk but leads to eternal life. It’s a path of experiencing intimacy and fellowship with God. The path you take is based on what you truly believe deep, down in that moment. 

This part of the fight is very intense. Temptation will not give up easily, but we must move from knowing God’s word in our minds to truly believing what God has said in our hearts. We have to convictionally trust that the satisfaction Jesus offers and promises is sweeter, better, and stronger than the offer this temptation has put in front of us. Trusting this at a heart level might take 2 minutes; it might take 20 minutes, but fight to believe what God has said. You must overtake the temptation with faith. 

 R | Relish in Christ

There are always spoils given to the victor. The spoils to victory over sin and temptation is close fellowship with Jesus. Christ is the most magnificent being in the universe. He’s altogether beautiful and lovely. Our hearts were made to experience his presence and friendship. When the victory has been won, take time to soak in all Jesus has been, is, and will be for you. Remembering the rich moments spent with your King will help you rise up against the next temptation which confronts you to threaten and jeopardize that. 

 D | Determine in your heart what to do when that temptation strikes again. 

Going into a war without a plan is a plan to lose. The indwelling sin in you will not give up. There are an endless number of rounds ahead for us as believers in our bouts against sin and temptation. Thankfully, we have the Spirit’s empowerment for the battles. But once you’ve gained victory over the temptation, build walls around your heart. Examine what cracks might be present in your life that led to the presence of the temptation in the first place. For example, did a certain movie or show lodge in your mind a lustful thought? Did a lack of sleep lead to an irritating mood? With great resolve, vow in the power of the Spirit for the glory of Christ, to come hard against the sin and temptation if it appears again. 

 *Another acronym I have found helpful is John Piper’s A.N.T.H.E.M. He provides great wisdom in the war we fight as Christians.  

If you’re looking for a Boston church to call him, we’d love for you to visit King’s Hill.


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