King's Hill Church

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Oh for Grace to Trust Him More

Trust in God seems to be something I’m learning about recently. In a recent blog post I looked at how you can trust God with your anxieties.

Recently I was listening to an album of hymns by Shane and Shane and heard the song ’Tis So Sweet. Now, this wasn’t a new song to me as I have sung it often in church over the years. The song was originally written in 1882.

What stood out to me was the refrain and in particular the last line of it. Here is the full refrain:

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him

How I've proved Him over and over

Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus

Oh for grace to trust Him more

As we trust Jesus, as we place our hope fully on him, every time he proves to be faithful. We can trust Jesus as he cares for us (1 Peter 5:6-7), he loves us (Ephesians 5:2), and he will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5). No matter how much we lean on him, he will always be there. So we know that God is faithful, good, and trustworthy.

Then comes the line that stood out: “oh for grace to trust Him more.” Even though Jesus has been proven trustworthy in all things in the past we are still tempted to not trust Him in the present and the future. This song cries out to Jesus that we want more of him, and we need more of his grace to continue to trust him. How do we receive this grace?

  1. Desire and seek him - “Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus.” Find your full joy in Christ.

  2. Seek truth in scripture - By knowing God’s word to you it gives you strength to trust him more when temptation comes. John 15 reminds us that we will abide in Christ when his words abide in us (John 15:7).

  3. Ask for more grace - I hear the words of Mark 9:24, “I believe; help my unbelief!” This is really what struck me from this song. I trust; help me trust you more!

So if you desire to trust God more, yet seem to struggle when life throws you a curveball or you are facing temptation, take heart. Remember the trustworthiness of Jesus, seek him, and ask for more of this grace. I hope you will adopt the prayer of this song, “Oh for grace to trust Him more.”