Empty Frames
Adjusting to a new city brings challenges, but the true foundation of belonging is the local church, which exists to point people to Christ. Like an empty museum frame, a church that prioritizes itself over the gospel loses its purpose—only by displaying Christ can it fulfill its mission as a pillar of truth.
When You Don't Know What to Do: The Jehoshaphat Response
Are you in a situation where you feel overwhelmed or like you don’t know what’s your next step forward? King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20 also went through this, and his response gives us a great example to replicate in our own times of need.
The Ezra Blueprint: How Scripture Shapes Hearts and Nations
How can we make a lasting impact for God’s kingdom? Ezra 7:10 gives us a clear answer: study, obey, and teach God’s Word. Ezra’s devotion to Scripture shaped his life, brought God’s blessings, and transformed his community. In this post, we explore how committing to the Bible can deepen our faith, guide our actions, and equip us to share truth with others.
Hope for Secular “Spirituality”
More new-wave spirituality terms have seeped into secular language, such as “negative/positive energy”, “aura”, “signs from the universe”, “law of attraction”, and “karma”. How should Christians respond to the rising tide of secular spirituality?
want friends?
Ever wonder why chasing friendship feels so empty? True friendships form when we pursue something much bigger—a more glorious prize.
Bearing One Another’s Burdens in The Church
As the Church, we have the unique opportunity to show Christ’s love by caring for those who are facing sin and brokenness in this world. It is through bearing one another’s burdens that we fulfill the law of Christ, which is to love our neighbors as ourselves. It can feel overwhelming or daunting trying to handle these situations on our own, yet through His grace and His word, Christ shows us how to depend on Him as we bear the burdens around us.
Spiritual Laborers: What God Teaches us about Bringing Forth Life
Labor and childbirth are more than physical events—they're deeply spiritual. The process of bringing life into the world is deeply connected with the gospel story, showing how both point to God’s love and redemption. Biblical perspectives on physical and spiritual birth encourage Christians to approach labor with faith, hope, and joy, and to embrace their role in supporting others in their journey to new life in Christ.
The Story Of Amy Carmichael
Amy Carmichael was a pioneering missionary whose life was marked by deep faith and selfless service. Born in 1867 in Northern Ireland, she dedicated herself to rescuing children from temple slavery in India, founding the Dohnavur Fellowship in 1901. Despite health challenges and setbacks, Amy’s unwavering commitment to prayer, sacrifice, and God’s call left a lasting legacy of bold obedience and compassion. Her story inspires believers to live with purpose, trusting God’s provision in every circumstance.
The Forgotten Portrait
Christians are all called to know God intimately. But what does this relationship look like? What does God want out of my relationship with Him, and how might He be calling me into deeper intimacy?
The Spiritual Value of Dance
Humans, across different cultures and throughout history, have danced regularly, often in religious settings. Clearly there is something profound about the relationship between dance and the human experience. So how can we use dance to benefit the Christian experience? Is there a way for believers to dance in a way that brings glory to God?
Storms East of Eden
How are we as followers of Christ to understand storms and natural disasters? If God is sovereign, and if he is gracious and loving then how can he allow such destruction? Why are people allowed to suffer so much? Here are a few reflections to help guide our hearts and minds as we seek to understand storms east of Eden.