Sojourning Sheep
We do not know the highs and lows that await us. What we do know is that this life is not all there is, and we have a faithful shepherd guiding us home.
Our 'What's Next' Culture
The story of Joseph presents us with a challenging question: do we place more value on where we are or whose we are?
Santa & the Gospel
The Christmas season has a wonderful message to tell. But it’s different than the one we hear in many songs and see in movies.
Uncertain of God's Will?
We all have questions surrounding what we should do. For those who want to follow God, how do we know what his will is? And what role do we play in figuring it out?
Why Small Groups?
The people of God and the Word of God keep us close to God. Without the right kind of community, we will never experience the deepening relationship God wants and we need.