God Tells Us Just Enough
God rarely gives us all the details up front. Instead, he tells us what we need when we need it to keep us relying on him.
Do I Need Community?
If the Christian’s goal is advancing faith in our hearts and in our world, we can’t do it alone. We need other people.
Fighting Anxiety, Part 3
Is what your anxious about worth your worry? How can you engage your mind to fight off anxiety in the heart?
Fighting Anxiety, Part 2
If you want to experience the peace of God, you must first know the promises of God. And believe them.
Fighting Anxiety, Part 1
Worrying is what we get when we think about the future apart from God. Confidence is what we get when we think about the future praying to God, knowing all he’s promised to be for us.
How We Grow?
How do we grow as followers of Jesus? How can we make progress in godliness? See how Paul describes the process in his letter to the Philippians.
Live on Purpose
The Apostle Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 9 how he didn’t run aimlessly but instead did everything with intention for Christ. How can we learn from his example?
Breaking Pride
What’s natural for us is to give ourselves credit for the ways God has worked. How can we move out of self-reliance and into God dependence?
Don't Date a Dead Person
Satan’s goal is to extinguish any sort of love of God in your heart. And an effective ploy he uses is sending you a romantic interest that is spiritually dead.
Give Freely to the LORD
God gives possessions and talents to each individual. Has God worked in your life so that you use these gifts to join the mission of God?