The Global Gospel
We’ve all been shaped by our culture, and it has affected the way we interpret the cross. Do we see the world through a guilt/innocence, shame/honor, or fear/power lens? And how can we benefit from seeing the gospel through other cultural perspectives?
Leaning Into the Will of God
As Christians, we often say we are seeking to do God’s will, but what does that look like? How should we approach making plans while discerning what the will of God is?
Oh for Grace to Trust Him More
Songs can carry a reminder to us to seek after God. See how the words to the hymn ‘Tis So Sweet remind us to ask for more grace to trust him more.
Does God Want Me Holy or Happy?
Does holiness come at the expense of happiness? Biblically, no.
Should I Cut Off My Toxic Friend?
We often hear about people “cutting off” a “toxic friend” or getting rid of “negative voices” in their lives. But what does that mean? And is this mentality Biblical?
How Can I Trust God With My Anxiety?
Humility without trust in God is actually a recipe for more anxiety, not less. See how trust places a vital role in humbling ourselves before God by casting our anxieties on him.
Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on December 25th?
The actual date of Jesus’s birth is contested, so why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Was Jesus actually born in the winter? Does the celebration of Christmas have pagan roots?
The Unending Depths of the Gospel
How can we grapple with the unlimited depths of the attributes of the Lord and the gospel to shape our perspectives of Him?
A Thankfulness Centered On God
Thanksgiving is an act of worship, one that keeps God at the center of our worship, as we recognize Him as the giver of every good and perfect gift.
What is Church Membership?
What does it actually mean to be a member of a church? And why is it important to be a church member?
What’s the Difference Between Protestants and Catholics?
What makes Protestants different from Catholics? We can look to the 5 Solas to show us the fundamental differences.