The Big Day - Nov. 17th

As a church family, we want to give generously to see God’s mission move forward in Boston and around the world. Leading up to the Big Day on November 17th, we will be highlighting the different ministries that our Love the Mission offering will support. Each week, we will pray for these ministries and pray about how much we will give above and beyond our normal tithes and offerings. On the Big Day, we will give to Love the Mission together!

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

- 2 Corinthians 9:10-11

Check out our merch! 100% of the proceeds will go towards our Love the Mission partners.

Manchester, England (IMB)

We partner with the International Mission Board (IMB) to support church plants in Manchester, England. Dan Byrd is a missionary who leads a network of local pastors to raise up healthy churches in a diverse, post-post-Christian culture. We invite you to pray for their efforts:

  • Pray for church revitalization. In such a spiritually barren culture, church growth can be slow and at times discouraging. Pray for endurance, support, and renewal for church planters and their families.

  • Pray for international ministry in this city. Manchester is full of immigrants and refugees from all over the world, living temporarily in the city. Pray that people would hear the gospel and take it to the edges of the Earth as they return to their home countries.

  • Pray for laborers to serve in this harvest. In this city where Christians are hard to come by, faithful leaders are even harder to find. Pray that the Lord would raise up leaders who are called to serve the people of Manchester

New Inspiration Church

New Inspiration Church is a church that loves Hyde Park and is passionate about seeing the Hyde Park residents connect with God. Pastor Olu Fakeye and his family planted New Inspiration and are faithfully discipling believers in Hyde Park.

As a young church plant, New Inspiration needs partner churches. Pray that the Lord could provide partners to support their ministry financially and prayerfully.

  • Pray that Pastor Olu and others would be able to shepherd the people that currently attend. Also pray that they could disciple and equip leaders in their church.

  • Pray that God will use New Inspiration to rapidly spread the gospel throughout Hyde Park. Pray for open hearts and life change to happen for Hyde Park residents.

Fellowship Church Network

We partner with a network of church plants in Toronto, Canada. Through the North American Mission Board (NAMB) Pastor Kesavan Balasingham and his family planted this church over a decade ago to reach the lost in the Toronto area. Their church has grown and sent out other church plants in the area, starting a network of solid churches in the city.

  • Toronto is incredibly under-reached. The city is full of lost people and is in need of faithful laborers for the gospel. Pray that church planters would be called to establish missional churches in Toronto. Pray that Christians would raise up to be faithful members of church plants, sharing the good news with their neighbors, classmates, and coworkers.

  • Pray for Pastor Kesavan and the other pastors of Fellowship churches as they continue to raise up leaders and send them out. Pray that they would be continually renewed, encouraged, and supported.

Indian Community Church

Indian Community Church is a church reaching Indians in Framingham and is led by Pastor Suresh Sammangi. This community is reaching the approximately 80,000 Indians in Boston, the majority of whom come from Hindu backgrounds.

  • Pray for Suresh and his family as they continue to pour into this church and help equip other church planters. Pray for increasing steadfastness and joy as they continue to see the fruits of their ministry grow!