Do You Know Your Bible?
Don’t just revere the Bible, but read it, memorize it, study it. Immerse yourself in it, so that the Bible isn’t just your authority in theory, but in practice.
Confessions of a Sin Lover: Obedience in Disguise (3/3)
Obeying in part gives me a pass to obeying in full. This is an excellent strategy if there’s sin I want to hold onto.
Confessions of a Sin Lover: Busy (2/3)
If I don’t want to confront my sin, here’s a tested and true strategy: stay busy with good things so I don’t have to focus on God things.
Confessions of a Sin Lover: Blame (1/3)
One way of avoiding change is critiquing what’s around me instead of letting the Bible critique what’s inside me.
The Secret to Discipline
You can’t change what you do unless who you are changes first. For this, you’ll need the Gospel.
Husbands, Love Your Wives. Single Men, Love Your Church.
Single men, you do not have to wait for a spouse to display Christ’s love. God has given you his church.
What Wins? Choosing Jesus in a World Full of Options
When there’s a lot of options on the table, what we choose shows what we love.
Delight to Discover
How can we know God’s will? Maybe it’s less about knowing “What to do” and more about “Who to enjoy.”
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Christian songs allow us to reflect on truths from the Bible. Explore how “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” points us to the promises about Jesus Christ found in God’s word.
How Do You Respond to God?
God reveals his presence and glory to his creation in mighty ways. All of creation is to respond to God. Psalm 97 shows us how to respond rightly to God.
Living Water or Waterless Spring?
Does your life resemble a well of living water or a waterless spring? Discover how the Bible shows us the source of living water.
Read an Article or Read the Bible?
For growth in your faith, are you more likely to turn to someone’s commentary on scripture, or turn to the Bible itself?