Navigating Mentorship
Spiritual mentorship can be a huge blessing to those younger in the faith. How can we approach a mentorship relationship that points others to Christ?
Parents: You and Your Kids Teach Us
Parents, we need your kids in service with us when we gather corporately. You as parents teach us what it looks like to live out our values, and your kids teach us who we are together—family.
Mercy Awaits Those Who "Cry Out"
God sometimes deals with us in painful ways. But he deals with us in these ways so we can come to him and experience his rescuing and saving.
Adoration & Devotion
Do you swing towards a devoted or adoring kind of love? How do we find the balance in how we love God?
Do You See Misery or Grace?
In the words of William Cooper, “Behind a frowning providence He hides a smiling face.” Here are some reflections from when King’s Hill gathered Sunday evenings.
The Root of Rioting and Gospel Hope
Hurt people hurt people. Except followers of Jesus. They bless. What’s at the root of this rioting—the death and destruction—and what hope does Jesus offer?
Personal, Pastoral Reflections for 2020
2020 is almost over. Here are some personal reflections over the past year.
God's Incarnation
At Christmas we celebrate Jesus, fully God, coming to earth and becoming fully human. Explore how this truth has profound effects on how we live our lives today.
Put Heaven In Your Heart
The heart cannot hold both the things of this world and the things of heaven. But when the eyes of the heart have a clear vision of heaven, we can live in fruitful service while we remain in the world.
Deny Yourself to Find Yourself
Jesus says in the very act of denying ourselves, we actually save ourselves. What does he mean?
How Can I Walk By Faith?
We might be trying to follow Jesus carrying too much for the journey. The way Jesus sends out the Twelve in Mark 6 is the same way we must walk: a heart full of faith and fixed on heaven.
Why Does Jesus Speak in Parables?
The parables are more than earthly stories with heavenly meaning. They are meant to divide those who are hard-hearted and humble.