On Fear of Speaking the Truth
Are you willing to proclaim God’s truth to a culture that rejects it and instead celebrates that which goes against God’s law? Through 2 graduation speeches we see what our culture values, and what it looks like to be bold instead of fearing to tell the truth.
How Should I Choose My Roommates?
Our roommates can play a surprisingly impactful role in our relationship with Jesus - positively or negatively. So what factors should we consider when choosing who we live with?
Why Did God Make Me This Way? A Letter To A 6 Year Old
God has made us wonderfully! Even when we don’t understand fully why God made us a certain way, we can trust God loves us and is always up to our good.
The Internal Path of Knowledge
How does truth that comes through God’s word move to our heart so we that we apply it to our every day lives? The answer comes through meditation which helps to take in knowledge and stirs up our affections to God.
Why gospel teaching is for every believer
As Christians, when we hear the word “teaching” in the context of the Christian life, we think of a Sunday sermon. But, as all believers learn from the Word, we should all be sharing what we have seen and studied in Scripture, ultimately building on our foundation in the gospel.
Life-Giving Friendships
The Bible has some examples to turn to when thinking about our friendships and relationships with others. As Christians, how should our friendships be rooted in the Word, point to Jesus, and ultimately, be life-giving?
How Can I Grow in Patience?
Some of us can be patient in some ways but not others. How can we be holistically patient in our lives?
Is Our Hope Believable? Apologetics for the Christian Faith
Discover why belief in Jesus offers hope and answers in a diverse world of beliefs. Learn how the path of redemption through Jesus addresses the perplexity of creation, the reality of suffering, and the quest for meaning, providing lasting fulfillment and purpose beyond transient solutions offered by other worldviews.
Make the Most of Sunday
Does the Sunday worship gathering feel routine to you? While important for the Christian, it takes intentionality to get the most out of a Sunday. Here are 7 ways that you can be encouraged, and grow in your worship of God through the church gathering this week.
Why Does Our Church Use The Valley of Vision?
The Valley of Vision is a popular compilation of Puritanical writings used by many Christians and churches around the nation. With the complicated past of the Puritans, why is this book still found on the shelves of many believers and so highly revered?
Can Women Be Deacons? Humbly, Yes.
The evidence from the exegesis of 1st Timothy 3:8-11, the historical validity that women served as deaconesses, the cultural necessity for women to serve in this role, and the helper design of the woman all lead me to humbly conclude that women can serve in this office.