Jonathan Moseley Jonathan Moseley

How Do I Put God First In My Decisions?

How can we ensure we are making decisions that put God first? What cultural influences, idolatries, and desires might be inadvertently affecting our choices? Explore how we can align our lives with his purposes and discover a protocol we can follow to ensure we are traveling down the path of his will for our lives.

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Jacob Stubbs Jacob Stubbs

How Are Instruments Used to Worship God?

God’s people have used instruments to artfully express worship for thousands of years. What purpose do instruments serve in a modern worship service? As a member of the congregation, what do you do as the instruments play, but there isn’t anything to sing?

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Soriah Lott Soriah Lott

Should I Ask More Questions?

How often do you ask thoughtful questions? Why are questions important? How can questions help us love others, understand ourselves, learn about the world, and connect more with God? What does it look like to be more inquisitive?

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Jonathan Moseley Jonathan Moseley

The Story of Hudson Taylor

Hudson Taylor was sold out for God and the mission of sharing Jesus with the people in China. Throughout his life, Taylor experienced much loss, challenge, and hardship as he sought to follow and obey Jesus, Taylor was the founder of the China Inland Mission, and by the time of his death, he had seen hundreds of missionaries accept the calling to serve the Lord in China and thousands of people say "yes" to following Jesus through the CIM.

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Jacob Stubbs Jacob Stubbs

Should I Start Journaling?

While not commanded in Scripture, the act of journaling can be a greatly beneficial spiritual discipline to employ.

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Jonathan Moseley Jonathan Moseley

How Can I Have a Healthy Marriage?

As good posture keeps the body healthy, the right postures within a marriage keep it strong and life-giving. What are they? Up to God. Face to face. Shoulder to Shoulder.

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Soriah Lott Soriah Lott

How Can I Have Child-Like Faith?

We know that we should mature in our faith, but are there childlike qualities we can foster in our spiritual lives? What would it look like to have faith like a child and how does God respond to such faith?

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Jacob Stubbs Jacob Stubbs

Praying for Patience

“Never pray for patience” is a common piece of sarcastic advise that is jokingly shared, but as Christians, we should pray for patience as we seek to look more like Jesus and trust God’s timing.

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Soriah Lott Soriah Lott

How Does God View Sensitive People?

Why does God make certain people sensitive? Is sensitivity a strength or weakness? We see in scripture and specifically through Jesus’ example that spiritual sensitivity is a gift. It paves the way for compassionate care and emotionally deep worship.

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